How a Man Friday Can Give You Back Your Time
Benefits of a Personal Man Friday
A Man Friday (MF) can work locally in person or remotely from anywhere in the world as your Virtual Assistant.
The Virtual Assistant (VA) has ushered in a new era making it easier and more practical for you.
Having a VA on call means you’re not having to retrain and familiarize a new person every time you need some short-term support.
Here is why you should consider an MF/VA:

- No need to hire full-time
- No benefits package necessary
- Use them when you need them
- No need to provide office space
- No need to supply equipment
- Reduce your operating costs
- Important tasks don't get left undone due to lack of time
- Recapture time to use as you please
- For remote work your Man Friday doesn't need to live close by
- You can stop using your Man Friday anytime
- Your Man Friday can scale as necessary
- Often Man Fridays and VAs will learn new skills as necessary on their own time
Here is just a sample of things you might delegate to a VA
- Proofreading
- Email Management
- Social Media Maintenance
- Research people, places, or things
- Data Entry
- Digital File Management
- Manage Website Comments
- Create and upload blog articles
- Managing/Submitting your expense report
- Create promo graphics for Instagram
- Create a banner for your LinkedIn profile or other social media
- Basic design and website creation
- Newsletter management
- Back-up your website
- Post scheduling
- Basic video production
- Video uploads
- Manage online customer inquiries
How it Works
Your Man Friday/Virtual Assistant is someone who grows with you over time, learning your preferences, goals, and the details of how best to support you and be of value.
Start by connecting via email. Let your VA know what it is you would like to do. Start small and ramp up as it serves you best. In time you should find that a lot of details are being handled in the background while you focus on key activities (or maybe some time with the family, a game of golf, or a trip to the spa.)